Second Quarter – 2024

The Parish Post

A Quarterly Newsletter From the Caswell County Parish

“Alone we can do so little.  Together we can do so much.”   Helen Keller

Picture food bank
Picture caswell fund
Picture food lion
Picture church
Picture heart thanks
Picture courthouse
Picture hughes foundation


Christmas Cheer

Thanks to the generous support of the Womack Foundation and the Hughes Memorial Foundation in Danville,  the Caswell Parish is able to provide much needed services to Caswell children.

The Womack Foundation grant primarily supports the Christmas Cheer program which provides gifts for. children whose parents are unable to do so.  The grant, combined with some private donations, makes it possible for Parish volunteers to purchase toys or games  and articles of clothing for each child.   Christmas Cheer 2023 provided gifts for 125 children.  In addition,  the Womack grant makes it possible for the Parish to purchase shoes for school aged children upon request by the school guidance counselor.

Backpack Program

The Hughes Memorial Foundation grant supports the Parish backpack program which provides a weekend food supplement for food insecure children in all elementary schools.  During the most recent school year,  130 children received this support.


Children's Clothing

In addition to these programs, the Two Hearts Thrift Store has an excellent supply of very nice children’s clothing which can be purchased for a fraction of the original cost.

Two Hearts Thrift Store Children's Clothing


Every week on Tuesday and Thursday  Caswell Parish distributes food to families in need.   That food makes its way into the hands of families after a long process that involves much coordination and many volunteer hours.

Second Harvest was formed in 1979 and  is a member of the Feeding America program,  the national food bank network which acquires large donations of edible but unmarketable food from the food industry and distributes it to local food banks throughout the US. The country is divided into Second Harvest  regions.  Caswell Parish is a member of the Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwestern NC which contains 18 counties.   Home base is in Winston-Salem where food is collected from the national network.  Caswell Parish also partners with the local Food Lion,  which donates food to the food banks every day of the year except Christmas day.

Every Tuesday, Caswell Parish volunteers with pickup trucks meet the Second Harvest truck in the Food Lion parking lot.

The volunteers then deliver the food to the Parish where  it is unloaded into the storage pantry.

Intake workers,  Rose Woodall and Bonnie Brewer,  ask how many are in the families of those who come for food.

Volunteers pack food  boxes for families and deliver them to the client’s vehicle.

Ronda Slade
Cathy Briggs


After months of planning and ordering materials,  the much needed cooler is almost ready for use. This container will make possible the preservation of perishable fruits and vegetables.  The Parish is deeply grateful to  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for its generous donation that made this cooler possible.

Our Generous Food Donors

Second Quarter Donors

Our mission to feed the hungry could not be carried out without the generous support of the churches,  organizations,  and individuals in Caswell County who donate food each month. We are grateful for the generous support during the months of January, February, and March 2024.

CCATS Provides Valuable Community Service

The Caswell Parish is deeply grateful to Caswell  County Area Transportation Service for delivering food to shut-ins and those with no transportation to come to the Parish to pick up an emergency food box.  Caswell County is very fortunate to have such a service!

2024 Second Quarter Food Donors

April 2024

Frances Caviness, Prospect Hill Church, Church of LDS, Miscellaneous, Anonymous, Bethel UMC, Purley UMC, Betsy Mincey, Jonique Cogdell, Pleasant Grove Presbyterian, Prospect UMC, Anonymous – 6

May 2024

Griers Presbyterian, Stan and  Christa Brown, Melissa Mims, Anonymous – 5, Girls Home, Purley Church, Lee  Lane, Baldwin Farms, Prospect UMC, Mary Thompson, Carol Lamar, Kerrs Chapel Baptist, Farm Bureau,  Prospect UMC

June 2024

Farm Bureau Women’s Committee, PCC AG Program, New Hope UMC, Milton UMC,  Prospect UMC, Anonymous – 3, Tony Bolton, Thomas White, Brenda, Lee Lane

Food Recipients – 2nd Quarter
April  – 1114
May –  1060
June  – 963
Food Costs – 2nd Quarter
April  –  $2048.03
May –  $1573.59
June –  $1942.04

Our Generous Financial Supporters

Financial contributions from our churches,  organizations, and individuals provide the backbone of support for the various Parish missions and programs. Without the generosity of these supporters the Parish could not meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our communities.  Listed below are the donors for the second quarter of 2024.

April 2024

Community Baptist Church, Concord Christian (Larry Jones), Leasburg UMC, Lively Stones Baptist, Locust Hill UMC, St.  James Baptist, Sara Broadwell, Ed Durham, Anonymous, Brenda and Billy Hodges, Donna Maskill, Kim Gainey Drye McLamb, Wayne and Barbara Owen, Marie Sappenfield, Betty and John Y. Thomas, Jr.,  Beth Thompson

May 2024  

Community Baptist Church, Concord Christian  (Larry Jones), Kerr’s Chapel Baptist, Lively Stones Baptist, St. James Baptist, Sara and Graham Broadwell, Ed Durham, Anonymous, Rese and Laura Farrish, Donna Maskill, Kim Gainey Drye McLamb, Wayne and Barbara Owen, George and Margaret Stouffer, Benton C. Thompson, Beth Thompson

June 2024

Community Baptist, Concord Christian (Larry Jones), Sara Broadwell, Ed Durham , Anonymous, Larry Cowan, Donna Maskill, Kim Gainey Drye McLamb, Wayne and Barbara Owen, Beth Thompson, Joe and Carole Thompson


Utility Assistance – Second Quarter 2024

 During the second quarter of 2024,  the Parish   provided utility assistance for 26  families, enabling them to continue to receive electrical service. Utility assistance is made
possible by generous donations from The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region,  Foundation for the Carolinas, and private donations. Families are eligible
for assistance in the amount of  $300 every three years.

Our Volunteers

Food Pick-up/Distribution – Rebecca Page and Bob Foyle, Bonnie and Bobby Brewer, Arlandia Clark, Nell Page, Meg Stouffer, Al and Jane Thompson, Alvin and Suzanne Foster, Rose and Jerry Woodall, Phil Barfield, Scott Coats, Daniel Ray and Micah Carpenter, Carson Craig, Matthew Sidney, JR Robinson, Carol Lamar and Daughters, Rick and Cathy Brann, Lyn Holt, Austin and Taylor Meadows, Brenda Bender, Bill and Angela Turner, Joye Struchen, Jane Long, Cindy Perkins, Anna and Lana Helms, Daniel,  Morgan,  and  Ada Jones, Susie Coleman, Ronda Slade, Braydon Boaz, Carlie Marshall, Connor Davis, Johnny Lewis

Administration/Grant Writing – JaneThompson, Nell Page

Thrift Store – Amy Woods, Terri Powell, Terry Walker, Brenda Elliott, Annette McDuffie, Christa and Stan Brown , Susan Meadows , Carson Craig and Kelsey Craig, Phil Barfield, Reagan Massingale, Braydon Boaz

Technical/Web Support – Stacy Matkins, Cliff Matkins, Linda Watlington – Scott and Watlington, Arlandia Clark, Austin Meadows, Rocky Asby

Grounds Care- Johnny Lewis, Al Thompson, Bobby Brewer

Recycling – Al  Thompson, Bobby Brewer

Save the Date!

The Parish Golf Tournament will be held on wednesday, October 2nd at Caswell Pines Golf Course.

The Parish appreciates the support of all those who have participated in the past as golfers or sponsors
and hopes to see many participants again this year. This event is the primary fund raiser for the Parish.
The proceeds provide support for the Parish ministries.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me,I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him,‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Help Us
Help Others
Parish Board Members:
Geraldine Fuqua, chair
Jane Thompson
Nell Page
Annette McDuffie
Ann Gillispie
John Robinson
Arlandia Clark
Christa Brown
Amy Woods
Annie Sue McGee
Ethel Gwynn
Rocky Ashby
Terri Powell
Carol Lamar
Scott Coats